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(1991年5月1日西双版纳傣族自治州第七届人民代表大会第五次会议通过 1991年5月27日云南省第七届人民代表大会常务委员会第十八次会议批准)

目 录

第一章 总 则
第二章 水域保护
第三章 防护林的保护及营造
第四章 水域的开发和利用
第五章 管理机构和职责
第六章 奖励和处罚
第七章 附 则

第一章 总 则
第一条 为加强澜沧江的资源保护,维护生态平衡,合理开发利用,促进我州经济和社会发展,根据《中华人民共和国宪法》、《中华人民共和国民族区域自治法》及有关法律法规,制定本条例。
第二条 本条例的保护范围:系指澜沧江流经西双版纳傣族自治州境内188公里的水域和沿岸的自然资源。
第三条 自治州人民政府要把澜沧江的保护和合理开发利用纳入国民经济发展计划,坚持在维护生态环境的良性循环和保护自然景观的前提下,实行统一规划、保护治理、合理开发、协调发展的方针。逐步恢复澜沧江沿岸的植被,加快航运、水利、旅游等事业的开发建设,充分发挥澜
第四条 自治州内的一切国家机关、驻州人民解放军、武装警察部队、社会团体、企业事业单位、城镇、农村的自治组织和全体公民,以及一切外来人员,都必须遵守本条例,并有权对破坏澜沧江资源及生态环境的行为进行监督、检举和控告。

第二章 水域保护
第五条 水域保护范围:自治州内澜沧江的水体、河道、河床、堤岸,及一切航运、水文、水利等设施。
第六条 在澜沧江水域内禁止一切有损于河床、堤岸、自然景观的行为。进行下列活动的,必须报经县以上水利部门批准,按照指定的时间、地点、范围进行:
第七条 在澜沧江水域内不得弃置、堆放阻碍行洪、航运的物体。在航道内不得弃置沉船,不得设置碍航渔具,不得种植水生植物。未经允许不得在水域内构筑任何建筑物。
第八条 在澜沧江保护范围内不得排放超过规定标准的废水;不准向水域内倾倒尾矿、垃圾、废渣等废弃物及有毒物体;不准新建污染环境、破坏生态平衡和自然景观的工业生产设施。已经建成的设施,其污染物排放超过规定标准的,限期治理。
第九条 在澜沧江航行的一切船只,不得向水体直接排放有毒有害污水、污物、废油等;运输有毒有害物质的船只,应当有防渗、防溢、防漏设施。
第十条 禁止在澜沧江水域内炸鱼、毒鱼、电力捕鱼等酷鱼滥捕,以及猎杀国家列入保护的水生动物的行为。
第十一条 禁止任何单位和个人侵占、毁坏澜沧江水域范围内的一切航运、水文、水利、环境监测等设施。
第十二条 有关部门要定期进行水文监测和水质化验,为澜沧江的保护和开发利用提供科学依据。

第三章 防护林的保护及营造
第十三条 澜沧江防护林的范围:澜沧江沿岸非平坝地段第一道分水岭以内。
第十四条 澜沧江保护范围内的防护带,要认真保护,严禁乱砍滥伐、毁林开垦,严防山林火灾,搞好森林病虫防治。

第十五条 本条例颁布实施前,一切单位、个人经批准在防护林带内种植的橡胶、茶叶等长期经济林木维持现有面积,不得扩大。
第十六条 澜沧江防护林带内禁止种植粮食和其它短期经济作物,本条例颁布实施前已种植的,必须退耕还林。对耕地确有困难的少数村寨,由县人民政府在防护林带以外给予适当调整;确需继续耕种的,应在澜沧江非平坝地段1000米以外,坡度在25°以下,并报经自治州人民
第十七条 澜沧江沿岸的重要自然景观、溶洞、古树名木、文物古迹等,应严格保护,禁止砍伐和破坏。
第十八条 澜沧江的防护林带为禁猎区。禁止一切猎捕和其它妨碍野生动物生息繁衍的活动。

第四章 水域的开发和利用
第十九条 自治州的自治机关鼓励和支持国内外的经济实体和各种社会力量参加澜沧江的开发,建设适应经济发展的航运事业,建设电站及其他水利工程,发展渔业生产等。
第二十条 澜沧江水资源的开发利用应由自治州人民政府的澜沧江管理机构会同有关部门进行统一规划,综合考察,作出总体设计,报请自治州人民政府批准后施行。任何单位和个人在澜沧江水域,从事航运、旅游等经营活动和进行科学考察等活动,必须向澜沧江主管部门提出申请,
第二十一条 开发利用澜沧江资源,应当服从澜沧江开发的总体安排,实行兴利与除害相结合的原则,兼顾上下游和沿岸地区之间的利益,照顾当地人民的生产和生活。

第五章 管理机构和职责
第二十二条 自治州设立澜沧江管理委员会,作为自治州人民政府领导下的澜沧江主管部门。其主要职责是:
第二十三条 澜沧江管理委员会下设办事机构,具体负责管理委员会的日常工作。澜沧江管理所需经费列入州财政预算。
第二十四条 农业、林业、水利、建设环保、交通航运、土地管理、公安等部门,根据本条例及有关法律法规,在澜沧江管理委员会的统一协调下,各司其职。

第六章 奖励和处罚
第二十五条 对认真贯彻执行本条例,为澜沧江保护做出贡献的单位和个人,由各有关部门评定,澜沧江管理委员会同意,报请自治州人民政府给予表彰或奖励。
第二十六条 国家工作人员有下列行为之一的,管理委员会责成有关部门分别给予批评教育、行政处分,行政处罚,直至移送司法机关依法处理。
第二十七条 违反本条例第六条、第七条规定的,由县人民政府河道主管部门或者有关主管部门责令其停止违法行为,赔偿损失,采取补救措施,可以并处警告、罚款、没收非法所得;应当给予治安管理处罚的,由公安机关按照治安管理处罚条例的规定处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑
第二十八条 违反本条例第八条、第九条规定的,由县以上人民政府水行政、环保部门或者交通部门的航政机关根据不同情节,给予警告或处以罚款,情节较重的,对有关责任人员,由所在单位或上级主管机关给予行政处分,并依照水污染防治法的规定责令其停止或者关闭。
第二十九条 违反本条例第十条规定的,根据情节轻重由渔政管理部门没收其渔获物和违法所得,并处以罚款,没收其捕捞工具,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
第三十条 违反本条例第三章各项禁止性规定的,由林业主管部门或者有关主管部门分别处以没收非法所得,赔偿损失,或者罚款;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
第三十一条 毁林开垦视同滥伐林木处罚。构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
第三十二条 当事人对行政处罚决定不服的,可以在接到处罚通知之日起15日内,向作出处罚决定的上一级机关申请复议;对复议决定不服的,可在接到复议决定之日起15日内,向人民法院起诉。当事人逾期不申请复议或者不向人民法院起诉,又不执行处罚的,由作出处罚决定的

第七章 附 则
第三十三条 本条例由西双版纳傣族自治州人民代表大会审议通过,并报经云南省人民代表大会常务委员会批准生效。

第三十四条 本条例由西双版纳傣族自治州人民代表大会常务委员会负责解释。

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Chapter VII
Special Rules for Anti-dumping Disputes


Section One Recourse of Anti-dumping Disputes to the DSB
I Introduction
II Sufficiency of Panel Request under the AD Agreement
(i) Art. 6.2 of the DSU and Article 17.4 of the AD Agreement
(ii) Art. 6.2 of the DSU and Article 17.5(i) of the AD Agreement
(iii) A Summary Guiding
III General Legal Basis for Claims against Legislation as Such
IV Special Rules for Claims against Anti-dumping Legislation as Such
(i) Introduction
(ii)General Legal Basis under Art. 17 of the AD Agreement
(iii) Understanding of Art. 17.4 of the AD Agreement
(iv) Extensive Basis in Context
(v) A Summary
Section Two Ad hoc Standard of Review for Anti-dumping Disputes
I Introduction
II Special Standard of Review under the AD Agreement: in General
(i) Ad hoc Approaches to Domestic Determination: Art. 17.6
(ii) Relationship between Art. 11 of the DSU and Art. 17.6 of the AD Agreement
(iii) A Summary Guiding
III Scope of Review of Fact-findings: Art. 17.5(ii) of the AD Agreement
(i)Overview of the GATT Practice
(ii)Concerned Rulings in Reports Issued by WTO Panels
(iii)Tentative Remarks: Guidance from the Appellate Body

Section One
Recourse of Anti-dumping Disputes to the DSB

I Introduction
Compared to the legally fragmented previous GATT dispute settlement system, the new WTO dispute settlement system is an integrated system with much broader jurisdiction and less scope for “rule shopping” and “forum shopping”. However, according to Art. 1.2 of the DSU which states in part that, “[t]he rules and procedures of this Understanding shall apply subject to such special or additional rules and procedures on dispute settlement contained in the covered agreements as are identified in Appendix 2 to this Understanding”, many covered agreements under the WTO jurisdiction continue to include special dispute settlement rules and procedures. Such special rules and procedures are listed in Appendix 2 to the DSU. And in this chapter, we will focus on such special dispute settlement rules concerning anti-dumping disputes, i.e. Arts. 17.4 through 17.7 of the Anti-dumping Agreement (‘the AD Agreement’).
An analysis of the DSB practice suggests a separate contribution of this chapter to this book, merited by dispute settlement proceedings in the anti-dumping field. In this chapter, the author focuses on the two main issues repeatedly raised, as preliminary or procedural issues, during dispute settlement regarding anti-dumping. One is the issue of recourse of anti-dumping disputes to the DSB, which deals mainly with Arts. 17.4 and 17.5(i) of the AD Agreement; the other one is the issue of standard of review in anti-dumping areas, which runs most on Art. 17.6, including Art. 17.5(ii), of the AD Agreement. And in this section we will focus on the first one. In this respect, Arts. 17.4 and 17.5(i) of the AD Agreement states:

“17.4 If the Member that requested consultations considers that the consultations pursuant to paragraph 3 have failed to achieve a mutually agreed solution, and if final action has been taken by the administering authorities of the importing Member to levy definitive anti-dumping duties or to accept price undertakings, it may refer the matter to the Dispute Settlement Body (“DSB”). When a provisional measure has a significant impact and the Member that requested consultations considers that the measure was taken contrary to the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 7, that Member may also refer such matter to the DSB.
17.5 The DSB shall, at the request of complaining party, establish a panel to examine the matter based upon:
(i) a written statement of the Member making the request indicating how a benefit accruing to it, directly or indirectly, under this Agreement has been nullified or impaired, or that the achieving of the objectives of the Agreement is being impeded, and
(ii) …”
II Sufficiency of Panel Request under the AD Agreement
Generally, as noted in previously, it is only where the provisions of the DSU and the special or additional rules and procedures of a covered agreement cannot be read as complementing each other that the special or additional provisions are to prevail. A special or additional provision should only be found to prevail over a provision of the DSU in a situation where adherence to the one provision will lead to a violation of the other provision, that is, in the case of a conflict between them. Then the author means to get down to the issue of whether these provisions cited above limits panel request under the AD Agreement to somehow other than those required by Art. 6.2 of the DSU.
In Mexico-HFCS (DS132), the dispute involves the imposition of a definitive anti-dumping measure by the Mexican Ministry of Trade and Industrial Development (SECOFI) on imports of high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) from the United States. Mexico argues that the United States' request for establishment of this Panel is not consistent with the requirements of Art. 6.2 of the DSU and Art. 17.4 and 17.5(i) of the AD Agreement, and therefore argues that the Panel must terminate the proceeding without reaching the substance of the United States' claims.
(i) Art. 6.2 of the DSU and Art. 17.4 of the AD Agreement
In considering the alleged failure to assert claims under Art. 6.2 of the DSU and Art. 17.4 of the AD Agreement, the Panel rules that: 1
“[W]e note first that the Appellate Body has stated that Article 6.2 of the DSU and Article 17.4 of the AD Agreement are complementary and should be applied together in disputes under the AD Agreement. It has further stated that: ‘the word “matter” has the same meaning in Article 17 of the Anti-Dumping Agreement as it has in Article 7 of the DSU. It consists of two element: The specific “measure” and the “claims” relating to it, both of which must be properly identified in a panel request as required by Article 6.2 of the DSU.’